Global Training Hub Limited provides learning, education, and consultancy services, across a broad range of business and technical knowledge areas, to public and private sector clients at training centres throughout the UK. Global Training Hub Limited is committed to continuously improving and maintaining its high standards to combat slavery and human trafficking in its business operations, supply chain, and working relationships globally. Pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and in accordance with the Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) clause, the following statement demonstrates that modern slavery is not taking place in business processes and consequential supply chains; for the financial year beginning 1st April 2018, and applies to wholly owned subsidiaries of Global Training Hub Holdings. The Company’s business relationships are underpinned by integrity and ethical practices.
Our Contractors
Global Training Hub uses a wide range of suppliers and contractors who supply goods for sale, such as examinations; provide service provisions, such as technically and professionally lauded subject experts; and support our operations. Having reviewed Global Training Hub’s business operations and relationships, we believe that the operational area that is of most concern and risk to Modern Slavery is the supply chain, specifically during the provision and procurement of services within high-risk countries.
Global Training Hub has specific policies that aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery, including:
- Internal Employment Policy which sets out internal requirements and procedures for our internal employment practices and management by human resources
- Suppliers and Contractor Policy which sets out internal requirements for the procurement and management of goods and services, in a responsible form, considering issues of human rights, child and forced labour and modern slavery.
Global Training Hub carries out comprehensive due diligence and background checks on all suppliers and vendors. The Company’s comprehensive and robust procurement process, in parallel with our rigorous supplier audits, mean that we are assured of our supplier’s adherence to the Modern Slavery Act – we only work with suppliers that meet our expected high standards of ethical practices.
Global Training Hub Limited has an internal supplier management team responsible for assessing information, contracts, and documentation submitted by its suppliers, contractors, and vendors. Our adherence to the Modern Slavery Act goes to the extent that we will terminate relationships with suppliers that fail to adhere or fall foul of the legal requirements delineated within section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act.
Global Training Hub has planned training sessions for employees directly responsible for the management of the supply chain, specifically the supplier authentication team, and operational managers – demonstrating the Company’s dedication to the Modern Slavery Act.
Performance Indicators
Global Training Hub Limited is committed to regular reviews of our procurement and supplier processes, to further ensure our adherence to the Act. Our current performance, as demonstrated by the absence of trafficking or deviances with the Modern Slavery Act, allude to the success of current processes and policies.
This statement has been formally approved by the Director of Global Training Hub Limited.